By taking advantage of the GPU for both graphics rendering and parallel computing, Windows 7 with DirectX Compute will not only ensure that greater clarity and focus are important in the look, feel, and functionality of the desktop experience, but it will also provide the speed and responsiveness to delight customers.
"Windows 7 users now have the absolute latest in performance and support for features including SLI, PhysX, 3D Vision, and DirectX Compute," said Dwight Diercks, vice president of software engineering at Nvidia. "For gaming, video transcoding, and an overall better computing experience on Windows 7, users now have the peace of mind knowing that we have the official Microsoft WHQL stamp of approval."
Version 185.85 WHQL drivers support Microsoft's new Windows 7 display driver model WDDM v1.1. Powered by Nvidia's DirectX 10 GPUs, WDDM v1.1 drivers provide a premium visual experience in Windows 7.
To download the new Windows 7 WHQL drivers for Nvidia GPUs, click here. http://www.Nvidia.com/drivers.