"Today's typical PC is based on a computing model created 25 years ago, before the Internet, web browsers and global warming," said CherryPal CEO Max Seybold. "We have developed a new computing model that makes CherryPal the easiest to use, greenest, most affordable computer available today."
The CherryPal desktop consumes just two watts of power, compared to the 114 watts of power used by the average desktop machine, delivering a 98 percent decrease in energy consumption. Using 80 percent fewer components dramatically reduces the amount of resources it takes to manufacture a PC. Also, since there are no moving parts, the CherryPal desktop can last a decade or longer, eliminating the need to replace a computer every two to three years.
The CherryPal C100 desktop is simple to set up and boots in 20 seconds. Users just have to enter a username and password to access the CherryPalCloud, which offers an easy, intuitive interface. CherryPal has no exposed operating system, so all applications and functions are managed solely by a Firefox-based browser. CherryPal does all operation system and application upgrading and installation, meaning there is no maintenance required. Because there are no moving parts, there is little possibility of hardware failure. CherryPal also offers a free 24/7 helpline.
The CherryPal Hardware Specs consist of Freescale's MPC5121e mobileGT processor, 800 MIPS (400 MHz) Processor, 256MB of DDR2 DRAM, 4GB NAND Flash-based solid state drive, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, two USB 2.0 ports and one 10/100 Ethernet with RJ-45 jack.