The term Christianity may denote the whole of knowledge imparted by the Creator to incarnate people — during the entire history of human existence on the Earth — through His Messengers, Who are called in different languages by the names Messiah, Christ, Avatar.
However, historically it happened so that this term denotes the Teachings about the Path to Perfection, which were given to us by Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, the Teachings of Jesus were many times reduced and perverted due to people’s ignorance, and quite often were turned from Christianity — into anti-Christianity, though called by the same name.
Unfortunately, the Teachings of Jesus were many times reduced and perverted due to people’s ignorance, and quite often were turned from Christianity — into anti-Christianity, though called by the same name.
The examples of this are: the “Holy” Inquisition; the Crusades and other kinds of predatory wars launched by “Christian” countries; instilling of hatred, aggression, incredible cruelty toward “infidels” — under the banner of “fighting for the ‘holy’ faith”…
That is why the true Teachings of Jesus Christ have to be distinguished from some beliefs which are called sometimes “the true Christianity”…
…This site describes how the spiritual Path was and is understood by Jesus Christ, His closest Disciples-Apostles, and some of the spiritual Adepts Who fully realized Jesus’ Teachings.
… The spiritual Path consists of steps.
The first step implies receiving the knowledge about what God is, what the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness is, what constitutes the meaning of human life and how to realize it in the optimal way.
The second step is aligning one’s ethical qualities with the type of righteousness suggested to us by God.
The third one is work on oneself using esoteric meditative techniques with the purpose of developing oneself as a soul, consciousness — up to that level where one becomes capable of knowing directly the non-incarnate Divine Representatives of the Creator and the Creator Himself, and then — merging with Him.