GN has just launched a new Jabra Bluetooth headset – the BT530 USB - in India. The Jabra BT530 USB is the only Multiuse headset to feature Noise Blackout, a sophisticated noise cancellation technology that helps remove ambient sound while trying not to compromise on voice quality. By combining this technology with Multiuse functionality, which enables the headset to simultaneously connect to a PC and a mobile phone through the accompanying A330 Bluetooth Adapter and Jabra PC suite, GN Netcom has created what could be a powerful business tool that will enable professionals to communicate from anywhere using just one device. "The role of the traditional office is changing rapidly and it is no longer the hub of the working environment. Most enterprises now have a dispersed workforce and as many as 86 per cent let staff work from home one day per week," explained Ralph Ede, Managing Director, South Asia, GN. Used together with advanced DSP technology and Audio Shock Protection th...
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