Recently I showcased some color screen mobile handsets priced below the Rs 5000 mark. Of course, there are even cheaper color handsets with even fewer features. There are plenty of mobile users who wouldn’t mind a minimalist handset with simple features – they make great gifts for first-time mobile users and for those who lead uncomplicated lives. Here are a few color display handsets that will get the essentials done and won’t cost you more than Rs 3000. During my daily commute I get ample opportunity to see mobiles used in their most natural habitat – and here are some that pop up most frequently. Intex IN 2222 – Rs 1999 A well-equipped entry level handset, the IN 2222 has a sleek black form factor with a 1.5 inch CSNT display, sporting a resolution of 128 x 128 pixels and 65K colors. It has plenty of media functionality in terms of an audio player and an integrated FM radio, and photo and video caller tone support. The In 2222 supports GPRS and comes with a few games and a flashligh...
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