Harvard professor and evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman challenges many of the commonly held beliefs about exercise, sleep, and the human body. Lieberman, who is also the author of the book Exercised , draws on his extensive research to argue that our modern lifestyle has led to a "mismatch" between our evolved biology and the environment we live in today. This disconnect, he suggests, is a significant factor behind many of the health problems we face. Here are some of the most eye-opening takeaways from Lieberman's interview: 1. The Myth of 8 Hours of Sleep We’ve all heard that 8 hours of sleep is the gold standard for health. However, Lieberman argues that this one-size-fits-all approach to sleep is misleading. He references studies on hunter-gatherer societies, who live without the influence of artificial lighting and other modern sleep disruptors. Surprisingly, these populations typically sleep between 6-7 hours a night. Lieberman suggests that, for most peopl
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